Deportation Defense
A stressful event with very significant life consequences occurs when an individual receives a Notice to Appear (NTA). An NTA signals that deportation or removal proceedings are about to take place.
At Dyer Immigration Law Group, P.C., we have extensive experience in legal matters related to removal or deportation proceedings for undocumented immigrants as well as permanent or temporary residents who, though legally present, may have violated their status, overstayed a visa, or have become the subject of criminal charges.

Expert Immigration Advice
All individuals facing the prospect of deportation, including persons who are currently facing criminal charges, would benefit from expert immigration advice.
Our immigration law attorneys regularly represent clients in deportation proceedings, and routinely advise individuals on the immigration consequences of criminal convictions. We help people in deportation or removal proceedings be released from custody, contest their removal charges, apply for various forms of relief from removal, such as adjustment in immigration court with waivers, cancellation of removal relief, asylum, and withholding of removal. We advocate for the rights of detained individuals, and seek prosecutorial discretion to allow clients to remain in the United States based on humanitarian considerations.
We have represented clients before the Immigration Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
How We Can Help
- If you or a family member have been detained or have a hearing coming up, we can lay out all of your options to remain in the United States.
- Similarly, if you are subject to criminal charges, we can help you understand the immigration consequences of these criminal charges, including how best to avoid deportation or removal.